Saturday, July 31, 2010

July 31st

Dear Hubbie,

If you say you are going to do something, please just remember to do it as soon as you can. Don't wait for me to remind you days, months, weeks, or years later. Just get it done in the first place and I will be all that much happier. I'd like take this moment to say thanks in advance.

Love, Me

Friday, July 30, 2010

July 30th

Dear Hubbie,

I will always grind my teeth at night, and as dorky as this is, I will always need to wear a retainer while I sleep. If you don't laugh at the way that I talk, I will not tease you for the nasal strips you wear for snoring.

Love, Me

Thursday, July 29, 2010

July 29th

Dear Hubbie,

Faith is something that I feel is very important in a relationship. Not only should you have faith/love/trust in your spouse, but a faith/love/trust in God as well. I can only hope that you are strong in your faith, confident in your beliefs, and understand the miracles that God works in both of our lives. I thank God everyday that He has placed you in my life and am so glad that I get to grow in not only love with you, but that we get to grow in our faith together as well.

Love, Me

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

July 28th

Dear Hubbie,

I love those moments when you're laying next to me and I can just run my hands through your hair. I will continue to do this until we are old and you go bald, and then I'll just kiss the top of your head for good luck.

Love, Me

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

July 27th

Dear Hubbie,

If we ever hear the ice cream truck passing through our neighborhood, we should try and buy our kids a frozen treat at least once. Buying novelty ice cream from the ice cream man is a part of childhood that we should make sure our kids experience. And who says we couldn't enjoy a nice treat too?

Love, Me

Monday, July 26, 2010

July 26th

Dear Hubbie,

I love having the same last name as you. There's just something special about being a Mr. and Mrs. I wouldn't take my old name back for the world. Unless of course your last name happens to be Jingleheimer-Schmidt.

Love, Me

Sunday, July 25, 2010

July 25th

Dear Hubbie,

We need to have a family calendar with everything written on it (birthdays, soccer games, dance recitals, concerts, strange work schedules, etc). That's it.

Love, Me

Saturday, July 24, 2010

July 24th

Dear Hubbie,

I will always volunteer to take our children school supplies shopping, or buy you any office supplies you may need for work. Although I'm not a big fan of shopping for clothing, putting me in an Office Depot (or something of that sort) is like placing a kid in a candy store. I promise it will make my day.

Love, Me

Friday, July 23, 2010

July 23rd

Dear Hubbie,

As far as holidays go, we are going to have to try and come up with a good compromise as to where we should spend what day. Here's an idea: Fourth of July one place and New Year's another... Thanksgiving one place and Easter another...

We'll just wait and cross that "Christmas" bridge when we come to it.

Love, Me

Thursday, July 22, 2010

July 22nd

Dear Hubbie,

We should take our kids to the playground/park on a frequent basis. They'll love it, and it will be nice to get some fresh air outside.

Love, Me

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

July 21st

Dear Hubbie,

If one of our kids does well on a test or draws a nice picture, we should put it up on the refrigerator.

Similarly, if you accomplish something you are proud of, please share it with me. I will always be so proud to have you as my husband! Maybe we should stick a picture of you up on the refrigerator too.

Love, Me

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

July 20th

Dear Hubbie,

It's not personal tonight, it's business. No, I've never seen that movie... I have seen You've Got Mail. But that's not the point.

Always keep an up-to-date version of your résumé. That is all.

Love, Me

Monday, July 19, 2010

July 19th

Dear Hubbie,

Candles are very relaxing and therapeutic. We should use them. Frequently. And not just have them around in case the power goes out or we burn toast and need the kitchen to smell nice, but light them other times as well...

Love, Me

Sunday, July 18, 2010

July 18th

Dear Hubbie,

When we buy our first house, I want at least one of the bathrooms in it to have a "nautical" theme... we're talking blue shades of paint, ship and lighthouse paintings, etc. I've never been a boat person, but I've always like those homes with "themed" bathrooms.

Love, Me

Saturday, July 17, 2010

July 17th

Dear Hubbie,

When we name our children, let's make sure their name sounds catchy and won't be something that other kids will tease them about.

If your last name is four syllables, their first name can not be Bartholomew (also four syllables, not that we would name a child that anyways). If you're last name is Johnson, we can not have a son named John. If your last name is Pickles, we should clearly avoid Dill. Just sayin'.

Love, Me

Friday, July 16, 2010

July 16th

Dear Hubbie,

Let's pack a picnic lunch and go to a nice nearby park for the day. Sound good? Good.

Love, Me

Thursday, July 15, 2010

July 15th

Dear Hubbie,

We can never have a cat. I am allergic. I am still yet to try playing with bunnies and hamsters, though. I'll let you know when I find out if these are okay or not.

Love, Me

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

July 14th

This one is really lame. Just go with it.

Dear Hubbie,

I don't care how inconvenient it may be to switch cars constantly, but if the garage is full, we should always keep the cheapest car outside in case of hail damage or vandalism. Having the most expensive car outside and at risk of a large "Z" on the hood is never a good option.

Love, Me

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

July 13th

Dear Hubbie,

Yeah, this one's kinda random, but if we ever share French fries please do not put ketchup all over them. I really prefer mine without, so it would be awesome if you could just dip yours in some off to the side. Thanks for being so understanding.

Love, Me

Monday, July 12, 2010

July 12th

Dear Hubbie,

I want our children to believe in Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny and Santa while they are young. I'll make you a deal: I will go in and collect their teeth by their pillow, but will expect you to finish off the milk and cookies they leave for Santa. Sound like a plan Mr. Claus?

Love, Mrs. Claus

Sunday, July 11, 2010

July 11th

Dear Hubbie,

I really, really hope you don't snore. If you don't, fantastic! If you do, either you need to get those nose strips, or we need a separate bedroom for when I need good quality sleep. If anything, I hope I can get used to your nighttime serenades. Who knows, soon enough I might actually need your snoring to help me fall asleep...

Love, Me

Saturday, July 10, 2010

July 10th

Dear Hubbie,

Always hold my hand when we cross a busy street. That way I know I'll always be safe.

Love, Me

Friday, July 9, 2010

July 9th

Dear Hubbie,

Please volunteer to fill my gas tank whenever possible. Or I can come along with you. Although I don't mind the smell of gasoline (I am odd, I know), gas stations really creep me out when I go by myself. Thanks.

Love, Me

Thursday, July 8, 2010

July 8th

Dear Hubbie,

If we have spiders, rats or any other creatures in our home that don't belong there, I fully expect you to calmly handle the situation and remove it immediately. Thank you in advance.

Love, Me

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

July 7th

Dear Hubbie,

Let's have a beautiful garden in our backyard. At least with pretty flowers that grow every year and nice trees for shade. Maybe even one of those glider swing things and a small fountain. I've always wanted those. And an arch or trellises at the entrance to our backyard escape. If there's room we should also have a small swing set or tree house for the kids (but nothing too gaudy, we might want to keep it for a while for the grandkids). Maybe that's too much. If anything, I'd be fine with just one tree and a flower pot.

Love, Me

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July 6th

Dear Hubbie,

Do not buy me jewelry unless I specifically have something in mind. In the event that you do choose to get me a bracelet, necklace or pair of earrings, make it a rare occasion and use good judgment. Otherwise, giving me flowers is going to be your best bet.

Love, Me

Monday, July 5, 2010

July 5th

Dear Hubbie,

Feel free to send me text messages (if those are still cool) whenever throughout the day just to say hi, and I will try to do the same for you.

Love, Me

Sunday, July 4, 2010

July 4th

Dear Hubbie,

We should always try and go see fireworks on the Fourth of July. That's it.

Love, Me

Saturday, July 3, 2010

July 3rd

Dear Hubbie,

Let's try and do spring cleaning or something similar at least once a year, where we just take some time to de-clutter our house. That way we won't feel so bogged down with "stuff" 20 years into our marriage, and will only have the stuff we really feel is important.

Hopefully keeping up with it one year at a time should prevent it from getting too out of control (heaven forbid we need to move somewhere, this would make it really easy). Do you really need that bike you used back in college?

Love, Me

Friday, July 2, 2010

July 2nd

Dear Hubbie,

I don't know (yet) if you like board games or not, but we should take one night to just sit at home and play cards or Sorry or Clue (or maybe even Boggle if I can convince you). Even if it's just one game. You never know, it could be fun. "Mr. Green with the candlestick in the Ball Room..."

Love, Me

Thursday, July 1, 2010

July 1st

Dear Hubbie,

Making me laugh will always be an essential part of making our relationship work. I will try not to think you are being too corny (even if you are), and you have to agree to laugh at my jokes in return (provided they aren't too corny as well). I want to laugh with you as much as possible, because that is part of what makes life with you so special.

Love, Me