Promise me that no matter how much you enjoy board games that you will play me every once and a while. Something like Boggle. Or Clue. Or Life. Or Strip Battleship. Basically anything except Monopoly.
By the time you meet me, I'm going to be a far better individual than I am now. And by the time I meet you, you are going to make for a much better husband than you would be right now. And when we are together? We'll be wonderful, amazing, unstoppable, and perfect for each other.
'Tis the season of graduations... Too bad I don't have any pictures in a cap and gown with you... yet. Maybe I'll have met you by the time I get my Master's (or Doctorate if I am so lucky)...
If we are going to be in St. Louis at the time, we should take our engagement pictures at the Missouri Botanical Garden. And if we don't end up taking them there and end up living somewhere else, then we should go sometime (if we visit my parents in the summer) and take cute couple pictures.
I'm going to apologize in advance (or retrospect) for all those times I am 5-10 minutes late to meet you... It will happen more often than not, so just assume I mean later than the time I tell you.
I don't know if you used to watch this show or not, but there was this show called How I Met Your Mother. Anyways, basically the premise of the show is that the main character, Ted, is telling his kids the story of... well, how he met their mother. There was an episode a few weeks ago, where Ted is sitting all alone by himself at a bar. In his recall of this memory, he says that if he would have known then what he knew now, that he wouldn't haven't been sitting alone. He would have gone to see his friends and their baby, or he would have helped his friends plan their wedding, but that if he could have, there was one place he absolutely would have gone first. He then ends up at his future wife's door telling her that they will meet in exactly 45 days, although explains that he is there now because he wants that extra time with her.
I know the timing hasn't been right to meet you yet, but I can't help but wish you were here already. That being said, I'd like to think that you are still out there waiting to meet me as well, and that we could be just 45 days away from meeting one another.
"Because I love you. I am always going to love you. To the end of my days, and beyond. You'll see."
Odds are if you ask me the question, "Have you seen _______ movie?" that my answer will almost always be "no." Sorry in advance for not getting 90% of the pop culture references you may make...
I will always enjoy staying up late sitting in bed reading research articles, playing dorky games, or watching countless reruns of FRIENDS. It's your unofficial duty as my husband to tell me to take off my glasses, put down my phone/turn off the TV and go to bed at a reasonable hour. Thanks.